Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Night market

Last night we ate Mexican food! There is a restaurant here owned by a guy named Elvis. He is from Houston and has been here four years. He came over to our table to chat us up and seems like a Texas good old boy who just happens to live in Thailand! Here's my plate of two kinds of chicken enchiladas.

On Sunday we went to the night market which is an enormous street market with several streets completely blocked off.

It was packed. At one point they played the Thai national anthem, and everyone had to stand in place not speaking. There were all sorts of textiles and handicrafts in addition to food galore.

All the temples were open.

This guy appeared to be on a mission to rub this gong 100 times or so. Not sure why.

Selling cups full of some kind of black jello looking stuff. Sorry, I did not try it.

Tshirts for sale. I think they like Obama as he is dressed as superman.

Decorative lights

The food stalls were all bunched on the temple grounds.

These guys were hammering designs into thick sheets of tin, or maybe it was aluminum.

These folks were lighting candles in front of this temple. There is also a "money tree" on the left side of the picture.

Girls take dance classes here too. They were performing the native dances for an audience in the street. It was pretty cool!

Location:Chiang Mai, Thailand

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